Friday, December 09, 2005

Then the phone rang. . .

Today was a tough day.

A coworker called me early this morning (yes, I was already at work) because she couldn't find any other number to call (she just started a few weeks ago). She was only looking for the cell phone number of her supervisor so she could call them to let them know she wouldn't be in to work because her father died last night.

When she told me, it was like getting the air knocked right out of me. All day I have been thinking of her and praying for her and her mom. I have also been thinking a lot about Dad today. Every now and then I catch myself just staring off into space. I hurt for her, and for me. I know that pain, and even though I don't know her very well I just want to take it away for her. But I can't, and I can't take it away for me. . . and there I go just staring off into space again.

It gets easier right? Or at least not so hard. . . .

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