Friday, July 28, 2006

I'm scanning, I'm scanning, I'm scanning

Haven't been doing much crafting lately. I know I always seem to have an excuse for that, but this time I have been busy working on a craft type project. It's a project I've been putting off for over a year (partly because of emotional avoidance, and partly because I wanted a new scanner for the job).

I've been spending most nights scanning pictures we saved from the fire that destroyed my parents home (my dad died in the fire - which is the cause of the emotional avoidance). My master plan is to scan all of my mom's pictures into my PC, fix (to the best of my abilities) the damaged ones, and burn them all to CDs or DVDs for my mom and brothers. I'm totally crazy and hoping to have this project done by Christmas. . . of THIS year!

So far I've scanned just over 600 pictures and so far my little scanner (it's a Cannon LIDE 500F) is holding up great. I haven't started on the trying to fix damaged photos yet, but I'm totally excited about taking my new laptop (which I should have within the next few days - two weeks max), the scanner (it's totally portable), and the external hard drive (120G - we need a lot of space for those pictures) to visit my mom. Hopefully, she'll be able to help me identify the dates on some of the pictures and decide whether she really wants me to try to save some of the damaged ones.

Let's just say, that I'll be very busy working on this for the next few months. But in the end I think it will be worth it. My brothers and I will all have copies of treasured family photos and if something ever happens (like a fire) to them we'll be able to replace them easily.

1 comment:

arundati said...

Dear Dora,

good luck with the scnning project...i know it'll mean a lot to you and your family....i'm not much of a crafter myself...just doing a little of utilitarian sewing and that's how i came accross your blog....good luck and god bless...

arundati - hyderabad - india

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