I've seen a lot of people stating how horrible the year 2011 was for them, and how glad they are that it's over. And to each of these people I really hope that this next year treats them better. Personally though, I can't complain. Sure, last winter really kicked my behind because of the cold and snow, and a person who was very dear to me went to meet Jesus, but those things are just a part of life. I am ever so grateful for so many things that happened (or didn't) in the year 2011 and I'm choosing to embrace those things and to discard the negative (no use dwelling on them).
Now on to 2012! I'm not really a person who makes New Year's Resolutions, but if I were I would resolve to be a happier and healthier person. Here are a few of the things I'll be working on over the next several months to help make that happen:
1. Stop letting the spondylitis control so much of what I do. Sure, I'm an introvert by nature but this past year has been ridiculous and I'm D.O.N.E. with it. Most days my body is going to hurt regardless of what I do, so I'll be doing more of the stuff I want to do and less worrying about how my body will react.
2. Pursue more of my creative ideas. I have a bunch of ideas rattling around my head and it's getting crowded in there! It's time I start clearing things out by seeing if those ideas can amount to anything.
3. Spend more time with God. That means getting back to reading my bible and spending more time in devotions and prayer. Spending my time like that has always helped me focus on what's important and allowed me to get rid of a lot of negative "stuff".
Each year is another year to learn about ourselves and others. I am grateful for the lessons 2011 had for me and look forward to learning more in 2012.
Happy New Year, everyone!
All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. John 1:3 (ESV)
Sunday, January 01, 2012
Hello 2012
Comments by IntenseDebate
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