Friday, August 05, 2011

Creative Estates Contest - Why I want to win.

I found out about this contest thanks to my sister-in-law, Teresa. When I read her blog post entry, I was like "Whoa! What is this? A crafting retreat? Why, that sounds fabulous!" So I just had to enter to win two free tickets (one for me and one for a friend) to what sounds like my kind of fabulous weekend!

First I need to tell you why I would LOVE to win. Honestly, the last few years have kept me busy & exhausted with school, work, saving kitties from certain death (okay, it's only two kitties, but they love me just the same), and adjusting to having AS (ankylosing spondylitis, for those who want to know) that I haven't really had a good craft session in quite some time. In fact my craft table is looking pretty sad these days.

I know. Sad, right?!
Winning this contest would be the perfect inspiration to get me to clean off the craft table and back to my "happy place". Besides, TheHusband wants me to do things that make me happy and this would make me oh so happy. I mean, who wouldn't be happy to be surrounded by creative energy and the ability to totally craft-out!

Now, who would get that second ticket if I won? That's a good question. It would be one of the harder decisions I've had to make. It would be a tough call between my friend Crystal and my SIL, Teresa. They are both fabulously craft ladies and I don't get to spend nearly enough time with either of them. *sigh*

Oh, Creative Estates, pleee-ase pick me. You would make me and my Peeps so very happy!

C'mon, you know you want to put a smile on these faces!
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